Our delegation Sri Y.Ramakrishna Rao (Circle Secretary, AP) , Sri M.Rajendra Reddy (Finance Secretary), Sri U.Kanaka
Raju (Vice President) and Sri K.Srinivasa Rao (District Secretary, Hyderabad) led by Sri N.Kabeerdas (General Secretary) met
Smt Madhu Arora GM (Estt) and Sri A.K.Singh AGM Pers-IV and discussed about the
left out Officiating JTOs deputation to JTO Phase-I Training. After detailed
discussion it observed that the Administration is understood that all the left
out cases are repeated Officiating declined people only. We are succeeded to intimate
that all cases are not like that and some are awaiting for officiating after
Rule -8 transfer / Deputations. Immediately Establishment section issued the
letter to all the Circle heads to send the information on urgent basis for
further processing and issuing orders/clarification for left out JTOs deputation to JTO Phase-I Training.
Our Sincere Thanks to Smt Madhu Arora GM (Estt) and Sri A.K.Singh AGM Pers-IV
for kind attention and prompt response.
Our delegation also met Smt Rani Chhabra Advocate at her
chambers in Supreme Court of India and discussed about the Three cases we have
filed. The rejoinder for the affidavit submitted by BSNL advocate was also
prepared after detailed discussion. The BSNL advocate submitted the affidavit as
that all the officiating JTOs FR 22 (1) a (1) implementation was completed. We
strongly opposed the point in the rejoinder and explained in detail how the
Department implemented wrongly in most of the cases.
The Election wall poster of BSNL OA was released on 16-09-2016
at BTEF Federation Office,T-15, Atul Grove Road.