
FR 22(1)a(1) case filing status

As on today (16-04-2016) we have received the FR 22(1)a(1)  Court case details papers only few applicants from the following Circles.

 1)  Karnataka
 2)  Madypradesh
 3)  STP   CGM Chennai
 4)  Rajasthan
 5)  STR  CGM Chennai
 6)  Andhra Pradesh
 7)  Tamilnadu
 8)  ETR  Kolkota
 9)  West Bengal
 10)             Maharasthra
 11)             T&D Circle JBP

All the process for filing the  FR 22(1)a(1)  Court case will end by 18-04-2016. This is the last date for receiving the papers and for updating.