
Sri B.D.Wani JTO Officiating MH Circle along with SNEA(I) MH Circle delegation met CMD BSNL Sri R.K Upadhyaya and discussed about our Regularization issue.

High level delegation of SNEA (I) Maharashtra comprising of Com. M B Sangale, JS (W) CHQ, Com. A R Manani, VP CHQ, Com. S.V.Bhad, CP, CS, Com. S.P.Sonawane CWCM, Com. N. D. Barde, JS (N), Com. P.N.Patil, Auditor, Com. B.D. Wani specially  representing Officiating  JTOs, Com. S.A.Bhadane, DS Nashik, Com. A.R.Akhade  DP Nashik, Com. S.A.Chavan, CECM Nasik , Com Nitin Mahajan Add GM Nashik & Com P.D. Rade,ADS, Com. R.R. Mahajan, ADS, Com. P.B.Vispute, ADS along with other activists of SNEA(I) Nashik had meeting with Shri. R.K.Upadhyay, CMD BSNL at Nasik on 11/11//2013 at 16.00 hrs in the chamber of GMT Nasik.