High level delegation of SNEA (I) Maharashtra comprising of Com. M B Sangale, JS (W) CHQ, Com. A R Manani, VP CHQ, Com. S.V.Bhad, CP, CS, Com. S.P.Sonawane CWCM, Com. N. D. Barde, JS (N), Com. P.N.Patil, Auditor, Com. B.D. Wani specially representing Officiating JTOs, Com. S.A.Bhadane, DS Nashik, Com. A.R.Akhade DP Nashik, Com. S.A.Chavan, CECM Nasik , Com Nitin Mahajan Add GM Nashik & Com P.D. Rade,ADS, Com. R.R. Mahajan, ADS, Com. P.B.Vispute, ADS along with other activists of SNEA(I) Nashik had meeting with Shri. R.K.Upadhyay, CMD BSNL at Nasik on 11/11//2013 at 16.00 hrs in the chamber of GMT Nasik.