No. SNATTA/Departmental JTO Exam-2.
Shri A.K. Garg
Director (HR)
Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
New Delhi
Reference: Corporate office letter no.5-4/2004/Pers.IV dated 13th May, 2004
& Minutes of the 25th National Council (Agenda point 9.7).
Subject: Cancellation of TTA to JTO officiating promotions and conduct of
JTO departmental exam, regarding.
Dear Sir
The TTA’s are given officiating promotions to JTO cadre as per the agreement
reached between the then recognized union NFTE and BSNL management
in the 5th National Council meeting. The eligibility of these TTAs have since
then been quashed by the Honurable High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
Chandigarh consequently BSNL board in its 104th meeting has cancelled
further diversion of JTO posts.
The continuance of officiating promotions to these TTAs is not correct as
the agreement reached in the 5th NC stands null and void due the decision of
BSNL board. Moreover in the 25th NC meeting held on 24th June, 2011 under
your Chairmanship has denied the officiating promotions to the TTAs who
are otherwise eligible to appear for JTO departmental exam citing the non
availability of such provision under JTO RR-2001 (refer agenda point 9.7 of
25th NCM).
Thus I request you to immediately cancel the officiating promotions given to
the TTAs as per the earlier arrangement and conduct the JTO departmental
exam under 35% quota without further delay as there is no legal hurdle in
conducting the same. The conduct of JTO departmental exam will rest the
question of officiating promotions any further. This will further create the
opportunities for the qualified and motivated work force who are otherwise
feeling let down for the want of promotions for last over 7- 10 years.
Yours truly
Dharmendra Verma
General Secretary
Copy to: Shri R.K. Upadhayay, Chairman Cum Managing Director, BSNL.